#DigcitSummit After-Party for Oct 3rd


AFTER-PARTY on Oct 3rd for the Digital Citizenship Summit!

The Digital Citizenship Summit, happening October 3rd at the University of Saint Joseph (West Hartford, CT), is about bringing ALL stakeholders in tech use together. It is based on the premise that the biggest challenge facing digital citizenship today is working together. It’s a messy process, but a necessary process if we truly want to push the topic FORWARD. Less talk, more action. If you haven’t reserved your spot, you can do so HERE.

After the official festivities of the Digital Citizenship Summit end, the after-party will begin. The location is the Shish Kebab House of Afghanistan (36 LaSalle Rd, West Hartford, CT) 

Start getting relaxed with the educators, parents, educators, community leaders, and industry folks that have been seated during the Summit. Collaborate. Share ideas. Inspire each other.

After our closing remarks at 4 PM, we have reserved space at this spacious restaurant in beautiful downtown West Hartford (right on the outskirt of Hartford, just two miles from the University of Saint Joseph). If you don’t have a car during the event, there should be plenty of carpooling (get the collaboration started!) and Uber.

The Digital Citizenship Summit will cover a wide array of apps for this event! Not the tech kind, but the tasty scrumptious kind. The Shish Kebab House of Afghanistan also has an outstanding range of drink specials until 7 PM. As speaker Kerry Gallagher and others have pointed out, we are building digital citizenship BEYOND just an event. Our brains will be on fire with great ideas; our after-party is a perfect time to start putting those ideas in ACTION.

Mingle with interested parties with a diverse range of ideas on digital citizenship from across the country. Let’s stop reinventing the wheel. We can build on the high-quality work that is being done across the country by bringing everyone together to promote best practices, start collaborating, and launch groundbreaking ideas that can have a GLOBAL impact. We want YOU to influence the global conversation.

I’m excited. Are you?

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